
By Chad, 23 November, 2011

It's that time of year. The leaves turn majestic hues of red and gold. The air becomes fresh and crisp. We can finally put an extra blanket on the bed and cuddle up with a cup of hot tea. Yes, it's fall. We just spent 8 months killing ourselves to get into that bathing suit, but now we've replaced it with a worn pair of jeans and a much more relaxed attitude towards food. After all, it's the holiday season, and no one'll notice a few extra pounds under layers of clothes. A little extra weight just gives us a New Year's resolution to focus on, right?


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By Chad, 13 September, 2011

What's the difference between P90X® and P90X2? This is the question of the year, and it can't be answered in a simple sentence, or even one article. So I've written this series to help you decide whether or not P90X2 is the program for you. I wish I could tell all of you that P90X2 is right for you, but I'm too responsible for that. I'm sure one of Beachbody's huge collection of programs will work for each of you, but if you want to know specifically whether that right one is P90X2, read on.


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By Chad, 27 July, 2011

By Karen Tonnis

Your mission: To add bulk, or form some well-defined curves. The prescription: Get some sleep!

Crazy as it sounds, that's the advice you'll get from bodybuilders, trainers, professional coaches, and fitness experts in general. The fact is your body can only heal, repair, and grow during deep sleep.

You can be doing the right things—perfectly portioning out your food, doing hardcore lifting that pushes you to the edge—but all that effort will be negated without enough recovery.


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By Chad, 7 March, 2011

The American Medical Association has estimated that a 50 percent reduction in sodium usage in processed and restaurant food could save 150,000 lives every year. So how much salt should we be consuming? Read on to find out how much salt you should consume, plus where extra salt gets hidden in food, and some tips on how you can reduce your sodium consumption.


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